403-752-3322 [email protected]

By-law & Policies

Planning Documents

Bylaws, Policies, & Planning Documents

Have a question about a Town bylaw, please contact: 

Town Administration
(403) 752-3322

Need to speak with a Peace Officer, please contact:

Ridge Regional Public Safety Services
(587) 813-0791
[email protected]

Curious about a building or development matter or concern, please contact:

Tyler Nelson
Planning and Development Director
403-752-3322 ext 1010
[email protected]

Select the (+) to expand the documents and click on the by-law, policy or document you would like to download.

Bylaw #678-78 Establishing Off Site Levy
Bylaw #820-92 Addressing Bylaw
Bylaw #859-97 Curfew Bylaw
Bylaw #861-97 Use of Snow Vehicles
Bylaw #877-99 Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy
Bylaw #881-99 Emergency Response SWA
Bylaw #896-02 Records Management Bylaw
Bylaw #901-03 Open Burning Bylaw
Bylaw #926-06 Debenture Bylaw - Water Treatment Plant
Bylaw #931-07 Local Improvement Bylaw
Bylaw #937-07 Remuneration Expense Claim Bylaw
Bylaw #950-08 Road Closure Bylaw
Bylaw #951-08 Debenture Bylaw - Swimming Pool
Bylaw #953-08 Cemetery Hill
Bylaw #955-10 Finance and Audit Committee
Bylaw #962-09 Municipal Development Plan
Bylaw #968-10 Care of Boulevards and or Lanes
Bylaw #970-10 Animal Regulations Bylaw
Bylaw #971-10 Reciprocal Business License
Bylaw #972-10 Pre-Authorized Tax Payment
Bylaw #976-10 Waste Management
Bylaw #977-10 Chief Administrative Officer Bylaw
Bylaw #984-10 Business License Bylaw
Bylaw #987-11 Land Use Bylaw
Bylaw #989 Local Improvement Bylaw
Bylaw #990-12 Transportation Bylaw
Bylaw #992-11 Graffiti Bylaw
Bylaw #993-12 Dog Control Bylaw
Bylaw #999-12 Noise Bylaw
Bylaw #1000-12 Local Improvement Bylaw
Bylaw #1001-13 Stampede Committee Rescinding Bylaw
Bylaw #1002-13 Stonegate Meadows Area Structure Plan
Bylaw #1005-13 Local Improvement Bylaw
Bylaw #1009-14 Debenture Bylaw - Victoria Park
Bylaw #1010-14 Residential Lot Rezone
Bylaw #1011-14 U-Turn Bylaw
Bylaw #1019-15 Potable Water Bylaw
Bylaw #1024-16 Senior's Lodge Lot Rezone
Bylaw #1025-16 Plan 1511638, Blk 44, Lt 29 Rezone
Bylaw #1027-16 LUB Amendment Office Designation
Bylaw #1028-16 LUB Lot Rezoning Neighbourhood Commercial
Bylaw #1029-16 LUB Rezoning Parks & Open Space
Bylaw #1031-16 Recreational Facilities
Bylaw #1033-16 Solid Waste Services Commission Participation
Bylaw #1034-17 Dangerous and Unsightly Property
Bylaw #1036-17 Wastewater Bylaw
Bylaw #1038-17 LUB Rezone Commerical to Residential
Bylaw #1038-17 LUB Rezone Industrial to Urban Reserve
Bylaw #1039-17 Election Ballot Requirement
Bylaw #1040-17 Nomination Deposit Requirement 
Bylaw #1041-17 Fire Services
Bylaw #1042-17 Annexed Lands
Bylaw #1043-17 Land Use Bylaw Amendment
Bylaw #1044-17 Local Improvement Tax
Bylaw #1045-17 Land Use Bylaw Amendment
Bylaw #1046-17 Ridge Regional Public Safety Commission
Bylaw #1047-17 Councillor Code of Conduct
Bylaw #1048-17 Procedure Bylaw
Bylaw #1049-17 Bylaw and Policy Committee
Bylaw #1050-17 Beautification Committee
Bylaw #1051-18  Achievement Recognition Committee
Bylaw #1052-18 Tourism and Economic Development Bylaw
Bylaw #1053-17 Historic Resources Committee
Bylaw #1055-18 LUB Administrative Amendments
Bylaw #1056-18 Redesignation of Land
Bylaw #1057-18 Redesignation of Land 
Bylaw #1059-18 Road Closure
Bylaw #1060-18 Redesignation to Direct Control 
Bylaw#1061-18 Land Use Bylaw Amendment
Bylaw #1062-18 Redesignation of Land
Bylaw #1063-18 Cannabis Consumption
Bylaw #1064 -18 Re-designation of Land 
Bylaw #1065-18 Public Notification 
Bylaw #1067-19 Fireworks 
Bylaw#1068-19 Commercial Re-zoning
Bylaw #1069-19 Smoking Bylaw
Bylaw #1070-19 Subdivision & Development Appeal Board
Bylaw #1071-19 Green Light Bylaw
Bylaw #1073-19 Amendment to 958-09 Municipal Development Plan
Bylaw #1074-19 Redesignation of Land
Bylaw #1076-19 Redesignation of Land 
Bylaw #1077-19 Town Hall Designation 
Bylaw #1078-19 Knight Residence 
Bylaw #1080-19 ATB Borrowing
Bylaw #1081-19 Emergency Management
Bylaw #1082-19 Debenture Bylaw - Capital Financing Completed Projects
Bylaw #1085-20 IMDP Amendment
Bylaw #1087-20 Subdivision and Development Authority and MPC
Bylaw #1088-20 LUB Amendment Urban Reserve to Residential
Bylaw #1089-20 ATCO Franchise Renewal
Bylaw #1093-20 Bylaw Enforcement Officer 
Bylaw #1095-21 LUB Rezoning Residential to Direct Control
Bylaw #1097-21 LUB Lot Rezoning General Residential 42S 200W
Bylaw 1098-21 LUB Lot Rezoning General Commercial 218N 300W
Bylaw #1099-21 ATB Operating Line of Credit
Bylaw #1102-21 Local Improvement Plan (Raw Water)
Bylaw #1103-21 Community Engagement Committee
Bylaw #1105-21 Urban Hen Pilot Program
Bylaw#1106-21 Regional Assessment Review Board
Bylaw #1127-23 ATB Line of Credit Borrowing Debenture
Bylaw #1129-23 2024 Fees & Charges Bylaw
Bylaw #1130-23 Assessor Appointment Bylaw
Bylaw #1136-24 2024 Tax Rate Bylaw

Planning Documents & By-laws
The Town of Raymond has several planning documents and bylaws to govern the operation of the County.  Please click on the folder below to view a .pdf version of the complete document.
The Intermunicipal Development Plan is a statutory plan developed between the Town of Raymond and the County of Warner.  Below are links to external documents which are cited within or used to develop the plan:
The Town of Raymond Municipal Development Plan is a Strategic Plan that provides broad policy direction for future growth and development.  The following are links to documents which are cited within or used to develop the plan:
 The Town Of Raymond’s Land Use Bylaw (LUB987-11) has been in effect since June 2011, although several amendments were made in September 2018.  The Land Use Bylaw outlines the rules and regulations for the development of land in Raymond for each district (zone) as well as the process of making decisions for development permit applications.  Below are links  to regulations that are applicable to the Land Use Bylaw:

Contact Us

  Box 629                                                                                    210 N 200 W                                                      Raymond, Alberta T0K 2S0                                        Ph: 403-752-3322                                                        Fax: 403-752-4379

[email protected]

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