By-law & Policies
Bylaws, Policies, & Planning Documents
Have a question about a Town bylaw, please contact:
Town Administration
(403) 752-3322
Need to speak with a Peace Officer, please contact:
Ridge Regional Public Safety Services
(587) 813-0791
[email protected]
Curious about a building or development matter or concern, please contact:
Tyler Nelson
Planning and Development Director
403-752-3322 ext 1010
[email protected]
Select the (+) to expand the documents and click on the by-law, policy or document you would like to download.
Bylaw #678-78 Establishing Off Site Levy Bylaw #820-92 Addressing Bylaw Bylaw #859-97 Curfew Bylaw Bylaw #861-97 Use of Snow Vehicles Bylaw #877-99 Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Bylaw #881-99 Emergency Response SWA Bylaw #896-02 Records Management Bylaw Bylaw #901-03 Open Burning Bylaw Bylaw #926-06 Debenture Bylaw - Water Treatment Plant Bylaw #931-07 Local Improvement Bylaw Bylaw #937-07 Remuneration Expense Claim Bylaw Bylaw #950-08 Road Closure Bylaw Bylaw #951-08 Debenture Bylaw - Swimming Pool Bylaw #953-08 Cemetery Hill Bylaw #955-10 Finance and Audit Committee Bylaw #962-09 Municipal Development Plan Bylaw #968-10 Care of Boulevards and or Lanes Bylaw #970-10 Animal Regulations Bylaw Bylaw #971-10 Reciprocal Business License Bylaw #972-10 Pre-Authorized Tax Payment Bylaw #976-10 Waste Management Bylaw #977-10 Chief Administrative Officer Bylaw Bylaw #984-10 Business License Bylaw Bylaw #987-11 Land Use Bylaw Bylaw #989 Local Improvement Bylaw Bylaw #990-12 Transportation Bylaw Bylaw #992-11 Graffiti Bylaw Bylaw #993-12 Dog Control Bylaw Bylaw #999-12 Noise Bylaw Bylaw #1000-12 Local Improvement Bylaw Bylaw #1001-13 Stampede Committee Rescinding Bylaw Bylaw #1002-13 Stonegate Meadows Area Structure Plan Bylaw #1005-13 Local Improvement Bylaw Bylaw #1009-14 Debenture Bylaw - Victoria Park Bylaw #1010-14 Residential Lot Rezone Bylaw #1011-14 U-Turn Bylaw Bylaw #1019-15 Potable Water Bylaw Bylaw #1024-16 Senior's Lodge Lot Rezone Bylaw #1025-16 Plan 1511638, Blk 44, Lt 29 Rezone Bylaw #1027-16 LUB Amendment Office Designation Bylaw #1028-16 LUB Lot Rezoning Neighbourhood Commercial Bylaw #1029-16 LUB Rezoning Parks & Open Space Bylaw #1031-16 Recreational Facilities Bylaw #1033-16 Solid Waste Services Commission Participation Bylaw #1034-17 Dangerous and Unsightly Property Bylaw #1036-17 Wastewater Bylaw Bylaw #1038-17 LUB Rezone Commerical to Residential Bylaw #1038-17 LUB Rezone Industrial to Urban Reserve Bylaw #1039-17 Election Ballot Requirement Bylaw #1040-17 Nomination Deposit Requirement Bylaw #1041-17 Fire Services Bylaw #1042-17 Annexed Lands Bylaw #1043-17 Land Use Bylaw Amendment Bylaw #1044-17 Local Improvement Tax Bylaw #1045-17 Land Use Bylaw Amendment Bylaw #1046-17 Ridge Regional Public Safety Commission Bylaw #1047-17 Councillor Code of Conduct Bylaw #1048-17 Procedure Bylaw Bylaw #1049-17 Bylaw and Policy Committee Bylaw #1050-17 Beautification Committee Bylaw #1051-18 Achievement Recognition Committee Bylaw #1052-18 Tourism and Economic Development Bylaw Bylaw #1053-17 Historic Resources Committee Bylaw #1055-18 LUB Administrative Amendments Bylaw #1056-18 Redesignation of Land Bylaw #1057-18 Redesignation of Land Bylaw #1059-18 Road Closure Bylaw #1060-18 Redesignation to Direct Control Bylaw#1061-18 Land Use Bylaw Amendment Bylaw #1062-18 Redesignation of Land Bylaw #1063-18 Cannabis Consumption Bylaw #1064 -18 Re-designation of Land Bylaw #1065-18 Public Notification Bylaw #1067-19 Fireworks Bylaw#1068-19 Commercial Re-zoning Bylaw #1069-19 Smoking Bylaw Bylaw #1070-19 Subdivision & Development Appeal Board Bylaw #1071-19 Green Light Bylaw Bylaw #1073-19 Amendment to 958-09 Municipal Development Plan Bylaw #1074-19 Redesignation of Land Bylaw #1076-19 Redesignation of Land Bylaw #1077-19 Town Hall Designation Bylaw #1078-19 Knight Residence Bylaw #1080-19 ATB Borrowing Bylaw #1081-19 Emergency Management Bylaw #1082-19 Debenture Bylaw - Capital Financing Completed Projects Bylaw #1085-20 IMDP Amendment Bylaw #1087-20 Subdivision and Development Authority and MPC Bylaw #1088-20 LUB Amendment Urban Reserve to Residential Bylaw #1089-20 ATCO Franchise Renewal Bylaw #1093-20 Bylaw Enforcement Officer Bylaw #1095-21 LUB Rezoning Residential to Direct Control Bylaw #1097-21 LUB Lot Rezoning General Residential 42S 200W Bylaw 1098-21 LUB Lot Rezoning General Commercial 218N 300W Bylaw #1099-21 ATB Operating Line of Credit Bylaw #1102-21 Local Improvement Plan (Raw Water) Bylaw #1103-21 Community Engagement Committee Bylaw #1105-21 Urban Hen Pilot Program Bylaw#1106-21 Regional Assessment Review Board Bylaw #1127-23 ATB Line of Credit Borrowing Debenture Bylaw #1129-23 2024 Fees & Charges Bylaw Bylaw #1130-23 Assessor Appointment Bylaw Bylaw #1136-24 2024 Tax Rate Bylaw
Governance Policies
2017-01 Office Hours
2017-02 Council Contributions
2017-03 Public Proclamation
2017-04 Council Computer Policy
2017-05 Emergency Expenditure of Funds
2017-06 Tangible Capital Assets
2017-07 Hiring Policy and New Employee Procedures
2017-08 Tax Account Interest Adjustment
2017-09 Employee Education Course
2017-10 Waste Management Policy
2017-11 Sidewalk Repair
2017-12 Social Media
2017-13 Cell Phone Policy
2017-14 Annual Vacation Accrual
2017-16 Delegation to Council
2017-17 Drone Policy
2017-18 Hiring Family
2018-01 Council Professional Development Fund
2018-02 Public Participation Policy
2018-03 Volunteer Policy
2018-04 Real Estate Policy
2018-05 Facility Naming Policy
2019-01 Traffic Control Device
2019-02 Personal Use of Town Vehicles
2020-02 Grade Compliance Incentive Program
2021-01 Snow & Ice Removal
2023-01 Leak Forgiveness Credit Policy
2023-02 Community Grant Policy
2023-03 Rural Municipal Treated Water Servicing
2023-04 Tax Penalty Appeal Policy
2024-01 Residential Development Tax Incentive Policy
2024-02 Raymond Irrigation District (RID) Servicing Policy
2024-03 Flag Policy
Planning Documents & By-laws
- Agricultural Operation Practices Act
- Agricultural Operation Practices Act Standards and Administration Regulation
- Alberta Land Stewardship Act
- County of Warner Land Use Bylaw
- South Saskatchewan Regional Plan
- The Model Process for Subdivision Approval and Private Sewage
- Town of Raymond Municipal Development Plan
- Municipal Government Act
- Raymond Fringe Area Study
- Setback Guidelines of the Alberta Energy Regulator
- Town of Raymond Community Services Master Plan
- Town of Raymond Engineering Standards
- Town of Raymond Land Use Bylaw
- Town of Raymond Transportation Master Plan
- Agricultural Operation Practices Act
- Alberta Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis Regulation
- Cannabis Act
- Early Learning and Child Care Act
- Early Learning and Child Care Regulations
- Condominium Property Act
- Hospitals Act
- Land Titles Act
- Municipal Government Act
- Radiocommunication and Broadcasting Antenna Systems CPC-2-03
- Safety Codes Act
- School Act
- Bylaw 1070-19 Subdivision & Development Appeal Board
- Subdivision & Development Regulation
- Town of Raymond Animal Regulation Bylaw
- Town of Raymond Municipal Development Plan
- Bylaw 934 Municipal Planning Commission Bylaw
Contact Us
Box 629 210 N 200 W Raymond, Alberta T0K 2S0 Ph: 403-752-3322 Fax: 403-752-4379
Stay Connected
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Community Calendar
List of Events
- Raymond Rotary Carol Festival – Cultural Hall 5pm on 2023-12-17 5:00 pm
- Office Closed – Dec 25th – Dec 26th on 2023-12-25
- Council Committee Meeting on 2024-01-16 6:00 pm
- Two Night Double Showcase Concerts – Abracadabra & Saint and Sinners on 2024-01-19 7:00 pm
- Multi Municipality Town Hall on 2024-01-22 7:00 pm
- Stick & Shoot on 2024-02-01 3:30 pm
- Parent & Tot Skating on 2024-02-02 11:00 am
- Public Skate on 2024-02-02 3:30 pm
- Public Skate on 2024-02-03 5:00 pm
- Public Skate on 2024-02-05 7:15 pm