403-752-3322 [email protected]


CouNcillor Profiles



Committees & Boards


Top in The Council of the Town of Raymond was elected on October 26, 2021. This Council will serve until its term expires in October 2024.

Council Photo 2021-2025 
1st Row (left to right) Councillor Kelly Jensen, Mayor Jim Depew, Councillor Kate Kindt,
2nd Row (left to right) Councillor Neil Sieben, Councillor Matt Evans, Councillor Allen Tollestrup, Councillor Bryce Coppieters and CAO Kurtis Pratt

Council Contact Information

Mayor Jim Depew – [email protected]

Councillor Matt Evans – [email protected]

Councillor Bryce Coppieters – [email protected]

Councillor Kelly Jensen – [email protected]

Councillor Kate Kindt – [email protected]

Councillor Neil Sieben – [email protected]

Councillor Allen Tollestrup – [email protected]

Mayor’s Message

Born and raised in Raymond, Alberta, I am am proud to call Raymond home. We have a lot to be grateful for living among neighbors who value community, safety, and family-centered values.

The Town of Raymond has always strived to be at the front lines of innovation and improvement. As a result of this mindset, we are the first municipality in Canada to be electrically net-zero for our municipal operations due to our Municipal Solar Initiative, offer symmetrical gig fibre internet to each home in Raymond allowing our residents to work anywhere in the world while calling Raymond home, and facilities that can not be matched by any other municipality our size.

My hope as Mayor is that we can take the progress we have made and continue to improve in all aspects. Together we can make The Town Raymond a haven that attracts others looking for a real sense of community that is hard to find today.

As a Council, we strive for transparency and cooperation. We depend on the residents of The Town of Raymond for feedback to know what is important to you and how we can make Raymond an even better place to call home!

Jim Depew

Council Newsletter

Proposed- 2023 Fees & Charges

Proposed- 2023 Fees & Charges

At the December 6, 2022 Council Meeting, Raymond Town council passed the first reading of Bylaw #1122-22. This bylaw establishes the fees and charges for licenses and permits, as well as Town amenities and services for 2023. To see the full list of proposed changes to...

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Notice of Public Hearing

Notice of Public Hearing

Notice of Public Hearing – Bylaw 1109-21 Land Use Bylaw Amendment - Development Standards and Administrative Matters. Information on proposed bylaw 1109-21 CAN BE FOUND HERE.  If you would like to speak to this application please see Mark Boltezar...

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Council Committees & Boards

As per Section 145 of the Municipal Government Act, Raymond Town Council may pass bylaws to establish what are called “council committees and other bodies.” The purpose of these committees and other bodies (boards/societies/advisory groups) is to examine issues that may come before Council in greater depth and detail.

Standing and Ad Hoc Committees

 The Town of Raymond has a committee structure that includes:

    • standing committees (permanent bodies with jurisdiction over specific ongoing policy areas such as finance); and
    • ad hoc committees (temporary committees established to investigate and advise Council on short-terms issues and problems).

Below is a list of the Town’s current standing and ad hoc committees. Please click on each to view their terms of reference.

Standing Committees

Ad Hoc Committees

Legislative and External Boards/Committees

In addition to conducting its business through a committee structure, Raymond Town Council also conducts its business by appointing members of Council to sit on what are called “legislative boards and committees” and “external boards and committees”. Legislative boards and committees derive their authority from provincial legislation (as opposed to bylaws); external boards and committees are, generally speaking, community focused, grassroots boards and committees that have been formed by Town residents/members of the general public to address various issues of concern and advance the public interest.

Below is a list of current legislative and external boards and committees to which a member of Council has been appointed. Please click on each to view their terms of reference or websites.

Legislative Boards/Committees

External Boards/Committees 

Committee Appointments Master List 2023-2024

Appear Before Council

To appear as a delegation before Council, click here.

Mark your calendars for the 2025 Municipal Election on Monday, October 20, 2025. This is your chance to influence the future of Raymond. Whether you're considering running for office or simply want to make your voice heard, your participation in the election process is vital. 

Contact Us

  Box 629                                                                                    210 N 200 W                                                      Raymond, Alberta T0K 2S0                                        Ph: 403-752-3322                                                        Fax: 403-752-4379

[email protected]

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