At the May 2, 2023 Council Meeting, Raymond Town Council passed first reading of Bylaw No. 1128-23 “2023 Tax Rate Bylaw.” The bylaw outlines the 2023 municipal tax rate (or mill rate). This rate is determined by taking the Town’s budget divided by the total value of all properties within the Town. Council has proposed to keep the mill rate at the same rate as 2022 and not make any increases.
An individual tax bill that is greater than the previous years is due to the value of the individual property being assessed higher. If residents have questions about their assessments, they can contact Benchmark Assessment Consultants at 403-381-0535 or 1-800-633-9012. If residents want to appeal their assessment, they have sixty days once assessments are sent out to file an official complaint.
Second and third reading for this Bylaw are scheduled for Tuesday May 16, 2023. Any questions or concerns can be made to CAO Kurtis Pratt by calling 403-752-3322 ext: 1002 or emailing
Click here to see the proposed Bylaw No. 1128-23 “2023 Tax Rate Bylaw”.