403-752-3322 [email protected]

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Council Agendas
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Latest News

Special Council Meeting

Special Council Meeting

There will be a special meeting of Council tomorrow night at 6 pm for Council to hold their 2023 Organizational Meeting. Municipal Planning Commission and Council Committee meeting will follow. If...

Grandstand Demolition

Grandstand Demolition

Town council would like to inform our residents that the demolition process of the grandstand at the rodeo grounds will begin this week of September 25-29th. We ask residents to keep clear of the...

Raw Water Shut off

Raw Water Shut off

This is a notice to all our raw water users that on Monday, October 2nd the raw water service lines will be shut off and cleared in preparation for the cold months.  

Holiday Monday September 4th

Holiday Monday September 4th

The office will be closed on Monday, Sept. 4th. If this is your garbage pick-up day, your garbage will be picked up on Tuesday, Sept. 5th. Have a great long weekend!

Events Calendar

 To submit a public event to the calendar, please email [email protected]

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Mark your calendars for the 2025 Municipal Election on Monday, October 20, 2025. This is your chance to influence the future of Raymond. Whether you're considering running for office or simply want to make your voice heard, your participation in the election process is vital. 

Contact Us

  Box 629                                                                                    210 N 200 W                                                      Raymond, Alberta T0K 2S0                                        Ph: 403-752-3322                                                        Fax: 403-752-4379

[email protected]

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