403-752-3322 contact@raymond.ca

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Latest News

Visit from MP Glen Motz in Raymond.

Visit from MP Glen Motz in Raymond.

Member of Parliment Glenn Motz is holding a community town hall here in Raymond on March 17, 7:30pm at the Raymond Seniors Centre (55E 100N). This is an open to the public. Click HERE for more...

Now Hiring Summer Students for 2020

Now Hiring Summer Students for 2020

Looking to gain valuable work experience? The Town is pleased to be accepting applications for summer, part-time employment for the 2020 season in the following areas: Aquatic CentreHell's Creek...

Notice of Public Hearing

Please be advised of this Public Hearing on by-law 1088-20 for re-zoning of a property 275W 100S from Urban Reserve to Residential. The date of the public hearing will occur on March 3rd, 2020...

2019 Census Report

Census workers recorded a population of 4241 in 2019, down slightly from 4252 in 2018. Please click here to view the full report.  Moving forward the province will only be accepting federal census...

Peace Officer New Office

Please be advised that the Peace Officers have moved from the town office to the RCMP building, located at 179 W 200N. Their phone number remains the same (587) 813-0791.

Events Calendar

 To submit a public event to the calendar, please email contact@raymond.ca

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  Box 629                                                                                    210 N 200 W                                                      Raymond, Alberta T0K 2S0                                        Ph: 403-752-3322                                                        Fax: 403-752-4379


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