403-752-3322 contact@raymond.ca

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COVID-19 Update #5

COVID-19 Update #5

The Federal and Provincial Governments have recently announced a series of financial support measures intended to help those who have been financially affected by COVID-19 get by until people are...

COVID-19 Update #4

COVID-19 Update #4

On Tuesday, March 17, 2020, the Province of Alberta declared a "State of Emergency" and announced new measures that are intended to help slow the spread of COVID-19. As such, the Town has made some...

COVID-19 Update #3

COVID-19 Update #3

On Sunday, March 15, 2020, the Province of Alberta announced new measures that are intended to help slow the spread of COVID-19 throughout the province. As such, the Town has made some new changes...

Procedure Bylaw Amendment

Procedure Bylaw Amendment

There are a few minor amendments being proposed to the Procedure Bylaw. The amendments will bring Council procedures more in-line with the MGA legislation. First, the way Council Committee Reports...

COVID-19 Update #2

COVID-19 Update #2

Here is an update from the town on COVID-19. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact the town at 403-752-3322 or contact@raymond.ca Please CLICK HERE for the updated information

COVID-19 Update #1

COVID-19 Update #1

Please see attached notice regarding the recent global pandemic of COVID-19 (aka Coronavirus) Our Director of Emergency Management Ken Steed is monitoring the situation closely. To this point, we...

Events Calendar

 To submit a public event to the calendar, please email contact@raymond.ca

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  Box 629                                                                                    210 N 200 W                                                      Raymond, Alberta T0K 2S0                                        Ph: 403-752-3322                                                        Fax: 403-752-4379


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