2019 Census
2018 Census
2017 Census
2016 Census
2019 Census
Municipal Census 2019
The Municipal Census Program
The Municipal Census Program is coordinated by the Town of Raymond. The Town is responsible for hiring census takers, overseeing the enumeration and for tabulating, analyzing, and publishing the results. In addition to providing valuable information for the Town, the program also helps various provincial government departments and local authorities and agencies plan the services they provide to the residents of Raymond. Please contact Legislative Services at (403)-752-3322 for any additional information you may need.
Notice to Users
This document presents a summary of the municipal census data using standard tables and includes information from the 2019 census conducted between May 1 and June 30, 2019.
Method of Gathering Information
The Municipal Census was available online for the third year in 2019. Census takers received a notice with their utility bill providing them with a Personal Identification Number (PIN) unique to each address, and residents were invited to complete the census online. After the initial two-week response, five (5) enumerators gathered information from those who had not yet completed the census. Enumerating will be complete by June 30, 2019.
2018 Census
Municipal Census 2018
The Municipal Census Program
The Municipal Census Program is coordinated by the Town of Raymond. The Town is responsible for hiring census takers, overseeing the enumeration and for tabulating, analyzing, and publishing the results. In addition to providing valuable information for the Town, the program also helps various provincial government departments and local authorities and agencies plan the services they provide to the residents of Raymond. Please contact Legislative Services at (403)-752-3322 for any additional information you may need.
Notice to Users
This document presents a summary of the municipal census data using standard tables and includes information from the 2018 census conducted between May 1 and June 15, 2018.
Method of Gathering Information
The Municipal Census was available online for the second year in 2018. Census takers received a notice with their utility bill providing them with a Personal Identification Number (PIN) unique to each address, and residents were invited to complete the census online. 506 out ofa total of 1357 census’ were completed online which accounts for 39% when vacant houses are considered.
After the initial two-week response, five (5) enumerators gathered information from those who had not yet completed the census. Enumerating was complete by June 30, 2018.
2017 Census
Municipal Census 2017
The Municipal Census Program
The Municipal Census Program is coordinated by the Town of Raymond. The Town is responsible for hiring census takers, overseeing the enumeration and for tabulating, analyzing and publishing the results. In addition to providing valuable information for the Town, the program also helps various provincial government departments and local authorities and agencies plan the services they provide to the residents of Raymond. Please contact Legislative Services at (403)752-3322 for any additional information you may need.
Notice to Users
This document presents a summary of the municipal census data using standard tables and includes information from the 2017 census conducted between April 10 and May 31, 2017.
Method of Gathering Information
The 2017 Census went online in Raymond for the first time. Census takers delivered door hangers with Personal Identification Numbers (PIN) unique to each address, and residents were invited to complete the census online. In total, 53% of our addresses were completed online.
After the initial two-week online response period, four (4) enumerators worked diligently to complete the gathering of information from residents who did not complete online. Enumerating was complete on June 30, 2017 (as mandated by the provincial government).
Legislative Services is very pleased with the results of the methods used to compile the following data and are happy to present the following information.
Data Discrepancy
This year the census was transitioned to an online reporting system. Data discrepancy seen this year is in part due to this change in methodology. This will be the new methodology used going forward and 2017 numbers will be established as the new benchmark.
2016 Census
A Growing Population
From 2006 to 2016, Raymond’s population increased by over 31%, adding 997 new residents to our community. Our current population is 4,202 and if current growth projections hold true, we will see us top 5000 people by 2028. We have a strong economy with many professional services and public employees which helps to stabilize our economy and provide a solid foundation of well paying jobs to encourage continued economic growth.
Click here for more detailed census information.
Municipal Census 2016
The census results are in and Raymond has never had so many residents call it home! Council recently approved the 2016 Census Report and it shows that the Town of Raymond continues to grow with the official 2016 census results at 4202, an increase of 1.5% over the 2015 municipal census numbers. Please click on and read the report attached below for a more detailed breakdown of the data.
Mark your calendars for the 2025 Municipal Election on Monday, October 20, 2025. This is your chance to influence the future of Raymond. Whether you're considering running for office or simply want to make your voice heard, your participation in the election process is vital.
Contact Us
Box 629 210 N 200 W Raymond, Alberta T0K 2S0 Ph: 403-752-3322 Fax: 403-752-4379
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Community Calendar

List of Events
- Raymond Rotary Carol Festival – Cultural Hall 5pm on 2023-12-17 5:00 pm
- Office Closed – Dec 25th – Dec 26th on 2023-12-25
- Council Committee Meeting on 2024-01-16 6:00 pm
- Two Night Double Showcase Concerts – Abracadabra & Saint and Sinners on 2024-01-19 7:00 pm
- Multi Municipality Town Hall on 2024-01-22 7:00 pm
- Stick & Shoot on 2024-02-01 3:30 pm
- Parent & Tot Skating on 2024-02-02 11:00 am
- Public Skate on 2024-02-02 3:30 pm
- Public Skate on 2024-02-03 5:00 pm
- Public Skate on 2024-02-05 7:15 pm