403-752-3322 contact@raymond.ca
Rogers Tower Consultation open until December 2, 2023

Rogers Tower Consultation open until December 2, 2023

Town Council and administration would like to thank all who came to the Rogers open house. There were great questions asked and information available. We would like to remind community members that the consultation period, to ask all your questions and submit comments...
Raymond Remembers

Raymond Remembers

The Remembrance Day Ceremony will be at the Cenotaph outside the Raymond Pioneer Museum on Saturday November 11th at 10:30...
Notice of Fireworks Display

Notice of Fireworks Display

This is a public notice, as per Bylaw 1067-19, of a fireworks display that will be happening on Friday November 3, 2023. This display is in conjunction with the high school zone football final, which will be commencing at...
2023 Raymond Public Library Community Survey

2023 Raymond Public Library Community Survey

Our amazing library board and staff need your input for their 2023 Raymond Public Library Community Survey. Please take a moment to share your thoughts on the services they provide. This information is used to help the Board tailor their operations to better meet the...
Halloween Traffic Management – SW Cul-de-Sacs

Halloween Traffic Management – SW Cul-de-Sacs

Halloween is upon us and in an attempt to better manage the congestion of pedestrians and traffic along 300S, traffic barricades (yellow lines) will be placed blocking access to 300S towards 250W as well as the entrances of the 200W and 100W cul-de-sacs from 5pm-10pm...
Special Council Meeting

Special Council Meeting

There will be a special meeting of Council tomorrow night at 6 pm for Council to hold their 2023 Organizational Meeting. Municipal Planning Commission and Council Committee meeting will follow. If you have any questions, please contact the town at your earliest...