403-752-3322 [email protected]

Community Notice

Attention Residents of Raymond: On Monday, August 12, 2019 the Town of Raymond Operations department will be completing a valve repair. Due to this repair, water will be shut off in the following areas: 400 NORTH – between 200 – 400 EAST 300 EAST –...

Public Education: Bylaw 999-12, Noise Bylaw

Bylaw 999-12, Noise Bylaw Updates: Hello Residents of Raymond! Bylaw 999-12, a Noise Bylaw passed its second and final readings at the Town of Raymond Council Meeting on July 16, 2019. This updated Noise Bylaw creates clarity around the roles of Peace Officers, fines...

Community Notice: Fire Hydrant Flushing

Attention: On Monday, July 22, 2019, the Town of Raymond will be performing maintenance on fire hydrants throughout the town. You may see some water running down the roads, but it is apart of regularly scheduled maintenance. If you have any questions, please contact...

Thank you to Town Departments and Volunteers!

The Town of Raymond Council would like to express its gratitude and thanks to the Town Departments and their employees that worked so hard to ensure Canada Day and Heritage Days were successful. From the fireworks to the fair to our July 1st parade and everything...