by Kurtis Pratt | Apr 2, 2021 | Council Highlights, News
We’ve all heard the phrase, “walk a mile in someone else’s shoes.” Well, it’s nicer to do if the sidewalk is new. Council has committed $75,000 in their 2021 Capital Spending Plan and will have spent over $415,000 between 2018-2021 on...
by Kurtis Pratt | Mar 24, 2021 | Council Highlights, News
Another project that was included in Council’s 2021 Capital Spending Plan is the extension of our Walking Trail System along Highway 845 from Broadway to Railway Avenue. This project will see the paving of a trail on the west side of the “soon to be...
by Kurtis Pratt | Mar 24, 2021 | Council Highlights, News
Council passed the first reading of their 2021 Tax Rate Bylaw #1100-21 on Tuesday, March 23, 2021. That same night, they passed their 2021-2023 Operating Budget and their 2021-2025 Capital Spending Plan. Council has worked hard to maintain a 0% increase in the...
by Kurtis Pratt | Mar 18, 2021 | Council Highlights, News
COVID has caused tremendous economic stress & uncertainty for our local businesses. Studio8 has approached the Town about moving VSP Fitness to their studio and Council agreed after a Closed Session discussion during Tuesday, March 16 Council meeting to...
by Greg Robinson | Mar 17, 2021 | Council Highlights
Please click the link for the March 16th Council meeting highlights. If you would like more information on the meeting you can view the agenda on the town website, watch the meeting on the town’s YouTube page, call the town office and speak to administration, or...
by Kurtis Pratt | Mar 15, 2021 | Council Highlights, News
Tomorrow night, Council is expected to pass their 2021-2025 Capital Spending Plan. This plan outlines what capital projects will be funded in 2021 and which projects have been endorsed (meaning included in the next four years) but may not actually be receiving funding...