403-752-3322 [email protected]
Gravel Road Pavement Project

Gravel Road Pavement Project

We have begun laying cold mix asphalt on a number of gravel roads throughout Raymond this week. Over the past few years, the Town of Raymond and the County of Warner established an agreement under the Inter-municipal Collaborative Framework (ICF). This process...


We would like to thank the MCCAC (Municipal Climate Change Action Centre) for their $7000 contribution towards the 4 year lease of a Kia Niro (plug-in hybrid) This vehicle has been used by Council members and staff for travel for out of town meetings and conferences....
Special Council Meeting

Special Council Meeting

Council has announced that there will be a Special Council Meeting held on Tuesday, June 28 at approximately 6:30 pm (right after MPC) Due to changes in our summer meeting schedule, this special meeting will be held to pass our 2021 Audited Financial Report and review...
2022 Budget Report

2022 Budget Report

Council Recently passed its 2022 tax rate bylaw along with the Operational and Capital budget for 2022. Attached is a detailed report that breaksdown all of our budget priorities for 2022. If you have any questions regarding this report, contact Kurtis Pratt at...
2022 Property Tax Bylaw – 1st Reading

2022 Property Tax Bylaw – 1st Reading

Raymond Town Council on Tuesday passed 1st reading of Bylaw 1118-22.  The bylaw outlines the 2022 municipal tax rate (or mill rate). This rate is determined by taking the Town’s budget divided by the total value of all properties within the Town. An individual...