403-752-3322 [email protected]

Council passed the first reading of their 2021 Tax Rate Bylaw #1100-21 on Tuesday, March 23, 2021. That same night, they passed their 2021-2023 Operating Budget and their 2021-2025 Capital Spending Plan. Council has worked hard to maintain a 0% increase in the municipal mill rate for 2021, despite the province increasing the amount of money they are collecting to fund the provincial K-12 education system and their new Police Funding Model.

Bylaw #1100-21 is scheduled to receive 2nd and 3rd readings on April 6. If you have any questions regarding the Tax Rate Bylaw, please contact Kurtis Pratt, Chief Administrative Officer at 403 752 3322 ext 1002 or [email protected] at your convenience.