403-752-3322 [email protected]

Please be advised, the Town of Raymond is beginning to spray for mosquitoes. The purpose of this program is to reduce the spread of the West Nile Virus. For information on this virus please GO HERE

We will be spraying near dusk on Thursday evenings effective immediately. We have a new and much more precise system than we have used in previous years. If you would like your home to be skipped as we spray your block, please call 403-752-3322 or email: [email protected]. If you have opted out of mosquito control in previous years, you are already included on our do not spray list.

For specific information on the product used for this program, please GO HERE. This product is approved for use and regulated by Health Canada. We are operating under a licensed program and we are training more employees for future needs.  For any questions or concerns regarding this program please call the office 403-752-3322 or email: [email protected]