Some residents may have noticed that the water coming from your taps has a slight yellowish colour to it. The Ridge Water Services Commission and the Town of Raymond would like to explain what is occurring and to reassure you that the water is easily meeting all provincial water quality and safety standards and regulations. It is completely safe to use and to consume.
A week or so ago, the ice on top of a lagoon located at the water treatment plant collapsed and stirred up a bunch of sediment and other matter from the bottom of the lagoon. Approximately 5% of the water within the lagoon gets recycled into our water during the winter months, as we are not able to discharge into the canal system during this time. This is primarily the cause for the slight colour change you may have noticed within the water.
The Town also experienced two water main line breaks on Sunday night in and around the ball diamonds, and as a result, the pressure within the water lines more than doubled, which scoured the insides of the water lines within Raymond, and this has contributed to the change in the colour of the water.
We anticipate that it may take up to a couple of weeks to flush the system with fresh water.
We would like to reiterate that the water is completely safe to use and to consume.
If you have any questions, please contact Jesse Salmon, Operational Services Director, by email: [email protected] or by phone: 403-635-0418.