This scholarship was established by the Town of Raymond to honour the town’s former long-serving Chief Administrative Officer, Scott Barton. For over twenty years, Scott served as the town manager, where he led town staff, guided various town Councils, and collaborated with the broader community through a period of growth and development. Established in 2020, the first recipients were selected during the 2020-2021 school year.
This award will be given to a student who exemplifies Scott’s leadership qualities, namely: a vision and/or passion for local governance (or governance/government issues); a quest for and understanding of industry best practices (good grades); and a demonstrated application (execution) of the above to bring about change or growth in the community/school/etc.
There are three, $1,000 grants available every year:
- One, $1,000 grant will be awarded to someone who has been on student council in any capacity and in a program that can lead to municipal employment: and
- Two, $1,000 grants will be awarded to someone who is enrolled in a program that can lead to municipal employment.
- The award is open to Raymond High School graduates entering their first year of post-secondary education study. Applicants must have graduated within the last three years.
- Applicants must be registered in a full course load at a college or university in a program or apprenticeship that could reasonably transfer to a career in local government, ex: planning, accounting, management, criminal justice, water/wastewater, engineering, political science, recreation, etc.
Selection Process:
This grant will be awarded based on academic achievement, demonstrated leadership and community service, and are weighted equally in the decision-making process.
Application Requirements:
- Complete the Application Form
- 1000-1500-word essay on a topic of your choice (making the topic relevant to the grant is encouraged)
- Applicants must attend at least 3 Council meetings, Council Committee meetings, Public Hearings, or Election Forums and have a current member of municipal council confirm with a letter their attendance prior to the submission deadline.
Deadlines: All completed applications must be submitted by June 15th and selected applicants will be notified of their award by December 1st of the application year.
Awarding: Selected applicants will be given their award during the Raymond High School Academic Award Assembly of the application year.
Disbursement: Upon receipt of a letter of acceptance to the education institution of applicants choosing, a cheque will be issued to the applicant within one month.