403-752-3322 contact@raymond.ca

Hello Raymond, it is CENSUS time again.

We have sent out the utility bills for the month and each bill contains a census insert with instructions for completing the census online.

There are two great reasons to complete online by May 17.

  1. Enumerators will not visit your house.
  2. You will be entered into a draw for a 2019 family swim pass at the aquatic centre.
  3. We are also having a draw for the quadrant with the highest percentage of online completions. So, you could be entered twice.

This year we will be asking about raw water installation throughout the entire town. These questions are meant to help us determine if residents are generally open to raw water service. If we feel there is enough interest, we will proceed with developing a plan (including costs) to present to the public for further input. The raw water questions are only for gathering information.

If you have any questions regarding the census please contact Abe Tinney at the town office 403 752 3322 (ext. 1007) or via email abetinney@raymond.ca.

Thanks for your participation!