403-752-3322 [email protected]

The recent storm severely damaged two large spruce trees around the Museum that had to be removed before further damage occurred to the Museum itself or Price & Comin. Crews have begun removing the damaged trees and will leave the cut logs on Church Avenue (south of the museum) and on Broadway Ave (south of Price & Comin) when they are done.

After 1pm today (July 10) anyone is welcome to come and pick up the logs on a first come, first serve basis for free.

Our urban trees are a tremendous asset for the community and more information will be forthcoming about our plans to maintain and expand the Town’s urban canopy.

Details will also be forthcoming on a date in the near future where Town crews will come and remove damaged branches/trees from private properties that have been brought to the curb.

We are glad during the storm no one was hurt and the damage was relatively minor.