403-752-3322 contact@raymond.ca

Notice of Public Hearing

Please be advised of this Public Hearing on by-law 1088-20 for re-zoning of a property 275W 100S from Urban Reserve to Residential. The date of the public hearing will occur on March 3rd, 2020 6:00pm at 210N 200W (Council Chambers) See attachement HERE for...

Council Highlights for November 2019

We have posted the Council Highlights from our November council meetings.  If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to call the town office at (403)752-3322 or contact@raymond.ca   CLICK HERE for Nov 5th Council Highlights CLICK HERE for Nov 19th Council...

Municipal Designation

The Knight Residence, built in 1926-27, is currently going through the Municipal Designation Process. Council passed 1st Reading of Bylaw 1078-19, Knight Residence Bylaw, at the November 19 Council meeting. The bylaw identifies the historically significant elements of...