403-752-3322 [email protected]
No Commercial Garbage pick on Monday, September 19th

No Commercial Garbage pick on Monday, September 19th

Due to the Federal Holiday, Queen Elizabeth II Memorial Day on Monday September 19th, Garbage will not be collected that day. This will affect commercial garbage pick up only. These bins will instead be collected on Tuesday, Sept. 20th along with Tuesday’s...
Fire Hydrant Flushing

Fire Hydrant Flushing

Starting today, running for the rest of the week town crews will be flushing all fire hydrants.There are no water leaks just controlled hydrant flushing at this...
Notice of Public Hearing

Notice of Public Hearing

Notice of Public Hearing – Bylaw 1109-21 Land Use Bylaw Amendment – Development Standards and Administrative Matters. Information on proposed bylaw 1109-21 CAN BE FOUND HERE.  If you would like to speak to this application please see Mark Boltezar...