403-752-3322 [email protected]

Whether you call them scooters or mopeds, Raymond sure does seem to have a lot of them. Now don’t get us wrong, they are an affordable mode of transportation, and a great way for youth to get around town during the spring through early fall.

That being said, Council has received a number of complaints from the public regarding, “wreckless, scooter gangs creating chaos on our streets in the evening hours.” As can be seen from the image above pulled from off a street camera on Broadway last night! 😉

Mostly, the complaints are coming from a place of concern for the safety of those riding and it is from this perspective that Council has directed our Community Peace Officers (CPO) to focus on unsafe and improper practices that have been witnessed by youth (primarily) on scooters.

From August 18 through September 01, RRPSS, in partnership with the Raymond RCMP, will be focusing on providing education to small vehicle operators while enforcing the rules of the roads. While providing opportunities for learning during this period will be a priority, members may also conduct enforcement action (violation tickets). After September 1st, the focus will shift more towards enforcement, versus education.

It’s important that all vehicle operators understand the expectations of our Provincial statutes before they accept the responsibility of using the public roadways. In regard to mopeds (scooters), here’s the scoop:
Minimum driving age: 14
Minimum license required: Class 7
Registration required: YES
Insurance Required: YES
Helmet Required: YES *an approved motorcycle helmet*
Special rules: No passengers if the driver is under the age of 16. No more than 2 people on a scooter at any time.

Click here to brush up on the “Rules & Regulations Applying to Small Vehicles” manual from the province.

Ride as far to the right side of the highway as you can (close to the curb or edge or road) unless turning left, so you don’t obstruct traffic.

Must haves: headlamp; tail lamp; brake lamp; reflectors; brakes; horn; muffler, and mirror – all the necessary safety equipment.

Please help spread the word and encourage safe driving practices so that no one is ever hurt, or worse while traveling in and around our community!