403-752-3322 [email protected]

Water Notice

Some residents may have noticed that the water coming from your taps has a slight yellowish colour to it. The Ridge Water Services Commission and the Town of Raymond would like to explain what is occurring and to reassure you that the water is easily meeting all...
Animal Regulations Bylaw

Animal Regulations Bylaw

During the February 4, 2025 Council Meeting, Council passed first reading of Bylaw No. 1144-25: Animal Regulations Bylaw. This Bylaw is set to replace the Town’s current Animal Regulations, Dog Control, and Urban Hen Bylaws. Following a period of public...
Hwy 52 & Broadway Intersection Realignment

Hwy 52 & Broadway Intersection Realignment

In 2023, the Province of Alberta and the Town of Raymond partnered to fund the pavement of Highway 845 and the extension of our municipal pathway network. This project allowed the Town to change our designated Truck Route to move heavy trucks from off municipal...
Christmas Tree Recycling

Christmas Tree Recycling

All too quickly the Christmas season has come and gone. As you put your holiday decorations away and would like to recycle your real Christmas trees, they can be recycled at the transfer station. Please take them to the designated spot along the east wall of the...
2025 Fees & Charges Bylaw

2025 Fees & Charges Bylaw

The Town of Raymond held the 1st reading of Bylaw 1141-24 (2025 Fees & Charges) on December 3, 2024. The 2nd and 3rd readings are scheduled for December 17, 2024. Have input or feedback for council? Share your comments by emailing Kassidy Stevens at...

Raw Water Seasonal Shut off

This is a notice to all of our raw water users that on Friday, October 4th the raw water service lines will be shut off and cleared in preparation for the cold months.