403-752-3322 [email protected]

At the May 2, 2023 Council Meeting, Raymond Town Council passed the first reading of an amendment to Bylaw No. 1122-22 “2023 Fees and Charges Bylaw.” These changes affect the Monthly Distribution Fee for water to rural residential customers with metered rates increasing from $52.00 to $100.00 and non-metered rates increasing from $75.00 to $138.00. Council has put forward these proposed changes in order to ensure that a sufficient reserve has been created to repair and replace the rural water network in the future. The fee structure chosen for rural metered customers is what the County of Warner is currently charging their users for potable water. The fee structure chosen for rural non-metered customers is what the Village of Stirling charges it’s rural non-metered users. If the amendments to the Bylaw No. 1122-22 pass second and third reading, these changes would take place starting July 1, 2023 with the first bill at these rates going to residents in August. Second and third reading for these amendments are scheduled for the Tuesday May 16, 2023 Council Meeting. Any questions or concerns can be directed to CAO Kurtis Pratt by calling 403-752-3322 ext: 1002 or by emailing [email protected].

Click here to see the full bylaw and it’s proposed amendments.