403-752-3322 [email protected]

This morning, Town crews have begun our 2021 Oil & Dust Suppression Program. The 300W from Highway 52 to 300N and 400S from 400W to Broadway are being prepared for oiling and the remainder of the gravel streets will be prepared for Calcium Chloride. The schedule is weather and contractor-dependent, but we are anticipating applying the calcium during the week of June 14 to June 18 and the oil during the week of June 21 to 25.

300W between Highway 52 and 300N
400S between 400W and Broadway S

If you live on a graveled street, please prepare for some disruption as crews grade and prepare the road base for the application of the dust suppression application. If you have any questions, please contact Operational Services Director Jesse Salmon at 403-752-3121.

Attached is a document from AB Environment outlining the use of used oil as a dust suppression agent on gravel roadways. All AB Environment guidelines are being followed as part of our program.

Used Oil as Dust Suppressant (May 2012)