403-752-3322 [email protected]

Another project that was included in Council’s 2021 Capital Spending Plan is the extension of our Walking Trail System along Highway 845 from Broadway to Railway Avenue. This project will see the paving of a trail on the west side of the “soon to be paved” Highway 845 (more details to come) and will connect with the trail from Cobblestone Lane to Hospital. With this funding, we will also be purchasing a significant number of other park amenities, like benches, picnic tables, bike racks, fire pits that will be distributed throughout the trail system and the community.

Since 2018, Council will have spent over $450,000 and paved over 2km of new trails and paved/repaved another 2km of existing red shale or old pavement trails in Raymond. These projects are part of an overall plan to create a 10km trail system around the community, that could be expanded to include another 15km on the outskirts of the community. The expansion of our trail system has been identified as a Council priority and is referenced on page 14 of our Sustainable By Nature, 2020 Environmental Strategic Plan.

So take some time and get out of your houses this year and enjoy the fresh air and the night skies on our ever-expanding trail network!